Friday, October 7, 2011

Michael Brandt Are Wanted For WANTED 2

WANTED Screenwriters Derek Haas And Michael Brandt Are Wanted For WANTED 2!
For those who have seen WANTED, most of the major characters have died towards the end, but the much-speculated sequel remains greenlighted. Now Universal Pictures has enlisted WANTED screenwriters Derek Haas and Michael Brandt for WANTED 2. Here's what Haas had to say via Twitter account below.

Derek Haas

Michael and I were just hired by Uni to write Wanted 2.

In addition to that, Derek Haas also said he isn't sure whether Timur Bekmambetov will return to direct the sequel or not. However, he does spill out some details about WANTED 2 plot.

Wanted 2 is going to take off after the events of what just happened. Pick up Wesley a few years later and go back in for another round.

As for now, it's yet to be confirmed whether James McAvoy will return as Wesley.


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